Category: Digital Marketing

  • How to build High Quality Backlinks?

    How to build High Quality Backlinks?

    High Quality Backlinks (Get Better Results) Some of you might be thinking what is the difference between link building and building backlinks? Well, do not get confused because they are the same thing. Backlinks are incoming hyperlink from one web page to another. Hence, they are same as link-building. What is link building and Its Benefits…

  • What is link building and Its Benefits

    What is link building and Its Benefits

    What is link building? Sometimes you will be willing to make your website convenient and preferred by the users. The key to make good website is to know how to do link-building properly. Now you may be wondering what is link building. Let us have a look at this. Link building is generally the process…

  • The Complete Guide to Build Your Personal Brand (2)

    The Complete Guide to Build Your Personal Brand (2)

    How to build your brand through outreach? When you newly launch your brand, you need to get exposure as much as you can. In the beginning, it is difficult to get exposure but it is not impossible. It is possible to get exposure through earned media, advertising, and few other things like personal relations. In…

  • The Complete Guide to Build Your Personal Brand

    The Complete Guide to Build Your Personal Brand

    What Is Branding? Ever wondered how do companies introduce a new product line? Mainly companies introduce New Brands to introduce a new type of product. For example, company Ferrero Spa has introduced brands like Ferrero Rocher chocolates, Raffaello Tic Tac kinder, Kinder Bueno Ferrero, etc. This is called Branding.  When a company launches a new…

  • How to increase e-commerce conversion rates

    How to increase e-commerce conversion rates

    The advancement in technology and Digital marketing taking over the entire scenario, e-commerce sites came into vogue. Shopping was on a different platform earlier when people did the so-called window shopping and only could crave to afford for their favorite brand to come into town. With Digital marketing and e-commerce in the market, customers are…

  • Misconceptions About Search Engines Optimization

    Misconceptions About Search Engines Optimization

    Search engine optimization, abbreviated as SEO is an important part of all website promotions and progress. However, many entrepreneurs have discarded it completely. According to them, SEO is either dead or inefficient. Several myths have been popularized among all online business industries. The most popular mistaken notions include, SEO doesn’t work SEO is too costly…