If you want to earn money through online work process or you want to utilize your time by doing some part time work, then you are on the right way. We have so many ways which will help you to earn money online and it does not need the full time job.
We have a very simple way of making money through internet is to create a blog and cast it with our Google AdSense and you can earn money online with Google an many of our blogger does so. You can easily join this Google AdSense and earn unlimited money every month.
Easy ways to earn money with Google AdSense
it is very easy task, you just need to concentrate in the work and you can earn money online on the daily basis. One more thing is needed and that is, you must have your own website and blog for the advertisement and endorsement of anything and awareness in content fabricating technique.
Everybody is interested is in making extra money to increase their standard of living. Here is an example of earning money from Google AdSense.
If you are wholesale dealer of any product and you are domain also for selling that particular product through online process and you must be having particular pages for that like home page, product detail page and many more. If you are selling product through online, then sometimes it also gets transit, then our Google AdSense will help you in earning money.
Basically Google AdSense helps in sharing revenue by selling advertisement on behalf your website and when somebody goes through that particular advertisement then you earn some percentage of money which is generated from that.
You can see these ads on the top of Google search results and even in your Gmail account. These ads are sponsored ads from the Google Adwords, and with your website which is known as Google Adsense Ads. You will get 68% of revenue from the ads, if anybody clicks on it. But this needs your time and efforts. More contents in your blog means you have a chance to earn more money.
What is Google AdSense?
It is a program for all the owner of blog and website publisher who wants to earn money from Google by showing different types of ads on their web page. When there is any visitor who clicks on the ads, then you will get some percentage of it.
All the placements and changes are handled by the Google. For all the owners of website and blogs, they have to create a free account and have to generate AD. After that you have to copy paste that HTML code in your blog pages.
How does it work?
Google AdSense is owned by Google which is an advertisement service which brings a chance for making money through website and blog publisher. With every click on your ad, you will earn money.
Types of process
- Applying for AdSense: Create a free account with your Gmail account.
- Add an AD code to your website: Google always keep eye on you whether you are following their guidelines or not. After getting application, create an AD, then copy paste the HTML code to your blog.
Once you will follow their program policies, your account will start working and it will show ads on your web pages.
- Setup your profile: Once your account is activating, AdSense ads will start showing in your blogs. The next step is about the payment. Once you will reach the minimum amount of $100 in your account through Direct Wire transfer or Cheque.
How you can make money?
Revenue is based on the total number of clicks on your AD in every 24hrs. These clicks are calculated for the revenue process. Your income is totally depends upon the number of clicks and sales made from the ads.
So can earn so much from the clicks like from $0.001 to $10 but you will get $0.001 to $1 for every click and it actually depends on the advertiser who pays for the ads. You can earn a handsome amount from this Google AdSense.
Payment as per view
For earning lots of money you need lots of clicks on the ads in a month. For that you need to make so many pages and blogs for earning lots of money. This is as simple as that. If you are making lots of pages, there should be quality not only quaintly matters. Google will make payments on the basis of ads on click through ratio. The average CTR (Click Through Rate) will be 1% and your CPC will be approximately $0.25.
There are Some High Paying CPC niche for AdSense which are Finance and market, Mobile technology and software’s, Recipe Sites, Insurance sites, health info blogs etc.
low paying CPC niche are Entertainment sites like Arts, movie review blog, music download sites, wallpapers, Jokes and SMS, News blogs, Quotes, Photo blogs etc.
Elementary calculations for clicks
As we have mentioned before that for earning more money we need more web pages and blogs. Normally only few visitors are converted in to sales, so you need more visitors or more number of clicks for earning money.
How much money can be earned?
Before working on any project, everybody wants to know how much money they can earn and its all depends upon some factors of monetization.
- Number of clicks on your blog/website
- Targeted clicks your are getting
- How many advertisers in your niche
- Which type of brand you are advertising
- Where are your ads in your blog
How you can increase your AdSense Revenue?
- Place the AD unit in the main article content
- Place 1 ad unit on the side bar
- Place 1 ad unit at the end of every article
These are the best locations of getting so many clicks for generating more revenue.
Best ways of generating money
- AdSense for Content: array for text or banner
- AdSense for Search: array of ads in search results
- AdSense for mobile: only for mobile view sites
- AdSense for feeds: array in RSS feeds
- AdSense for domains: Used and unused for parked domains
- AdSense for Video: Display ads in videos contents
- AdSense for Mobile Apps: casting the applications of android and iPhone
- AdSense for Games: constructing browser-based games
How you can make website for AdSense?
Now you are aware of every aspect of AdSense program for money making. For all that you need a blog.
The very first thing you need to start blog with the most trending niche that you are aware of. Blog can be of so many types like review blog, an article blog, an education blog, and niche blog on Making money online, affiliate marketing, referral marketing, etc.
The first step is to register your name with the blog for your participation. The name should be simple and easy to remember. Then go to Google search for niche of your choice for the blog according to the scope of that. It can be painting, art and craft, cooking and many more.
Another step is you need internet connection. With this you can easily seen by the users.
Some tips for choosing hosting
- Only choose those hosting, which are affordable.
- Web server must have reliable and good quality hardware and best and supporting software with the latest versions.
- If the server will be near to the demographic location, the speed of your website will be the best and you will be best in the ranks also. Choose wisely and with intelligence like if you are in India then chooses the same data center location.
- You must have the website which runs throughout year and if there is any problem it should be solved immediately.
- Your server must be flexible when there is need of space. You must go with your own website and domain which you can control.
- Once you will be registered with the domain hosting, then you must login to your cPanel to setup your Word Press CMS to start blogging. Word press is the best CMS which is very easy and simple to use.
Now you can go for the articles for your blogs for building so much traffic by the social media like facebook, twitter, Google etc.
Once you start receiving the traffic on your blog, then you must know it’s time for new start with AdSense program. Then go to your account and login and then copy paste HTML code into your blog page.
Now it’s time for Google AdSense to show the advertisements and will pay you approximately 68% of revenue which comes from your website.
Some marks which are very useful before submitting application
Most of the bloggers applications have been rejected as the Google has very strict policies and guidelines. Here are some common rejection reasons.
- Website violating Google AdSense guidelines
- Website has less content
- Website has all copied content or no original content
- Website is new.
For making your website best and attractive, you must add good elements in it. Google always believes in its policies and every blog owner must follow that for making money.
How we can increase approval chances?
- Full of quality contents in website
- There should be original contents with relevant pictures
- Attractive blog for visitors and not for search engines,
- Apply only when you blog will of 6 months or more than that
- Copy and paste the test AdSense code in your blog or web in above the fold content after signing up your application.
Some more important information
earning money from this Google AdSense is very amazing and long term income generating methods. Adding more ads will generate more revenue. Generating income from lots of clicks is not very tough job for making money.
Google contribute almost 70% – 30% of the revenue generated, in which it pays 70% of the income to the blog owners and rest share is for administration and maintenance.
Come and start making money from today and create an account and start earning from today onwards.
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