Ecommerce blogging – A beneficial marketing strategy

80% of the internet users end up buying something online, which indicates the increasing popularity of online shopping. Increasing popularity of e-commerce has encouraged many businesses to get a powerful online presence through unique e-commerce web designs. This naturally resulted in multiple competitors.
Hence, while it is undoubtedly one of the most profitable industries, you need to be better than the others to be benefitted for real.

There are several explanations to what better means,

  • Popular website
  • Better traffic
  • More visitors
  • More conversions

There are also varied ways for going about achieving a better website and achieve them.

  1. Email marketing
  2. SEO
  3. PPC
  4. Cold-calling
  5. Offline marketing

online marketing strategy

While, all these ways are undoubtedly very effective, SEO is still paid the least attention. People understand their motive of increased revenue and higher traffic, but it is the second part they are unable to comprehend.
While, direct sales will effectively help the business expand and in engaging more traffic, SEO is equally important and much more beneficial.

There are several key points that make SEO advantageous.

1. Cost effective – Though direct sales, cold- calling, marketing, offline advertising will bring you sufficient results, the investment will be ten-folds more than investment on SEO. Other marketing strategies like, emails will help you attract the customers but to an extent. Endowing all your time, and efforts trying to convert customers, you will miss many other important points like giving them a reason to discover your website at the first stage.

2. Potential– There is a significant reason to why SEO is potentially more capable than other marketing strategies. When you target audience through emails, offline advertising, cold-calling, and direct sales, you target people who are usually ‘financially capable’, and have a chance of converting. However, SEO maintains relevancy. Through SEO, you only target people who are willing seeking services/products that your website provides. Therefore, the possibilities of potential conversions are higher with comparatively less investments and efforts.

3. Scope of Improvisation–As discussed in preceding paragraphs, when the entire time and efforts are put to convince and convert customers, businesses often miss the point of improvisation in order to give their customers a reason to discover their site(s). SEO works like a two-way gateway for all businesses. Consumers are free to offer suggestions, advices, or even complaint. This gives the company a scope to improvise. There are no vague goals;instead, they the motives become well defined.

4. Quantifiable – The biggest advantage of search engine optimization is that it is measurable. Detailed analyses can be performed on the traffic behavior – why do they retain, why do they not retain, which page has the most retention rate, which page has least retention rate, etc. This thorough study will pinpoint the exact problem of the business and help in getting the most appropriate solution.

The advantages of SEO are significant, hence, making it an unavoidable essentiality amid the marketing and promotional strategy. So far, the best SEO approach for E-commerce is E-commerce blogging. Blogging for an E-commerce website draws all the advantages to the business. It increases followers, increases traffic, conversions,and consequently the revenue is highly generated.

Writing a blog will increase your small traffic by providing important information to your consumers. The blogs maybe written in casual tone or formal tone, but the more robotic language is avoided, the better. Blogs also increase backlinks if they are constantly shared on different sites. The comments allow direct communication, increasing the scope of improvisation. These backlinks further help in improving the rank of the website on search engines.

Try it out yourself. Type in “online shopping” and the “amazon”  is in first place.

You can begin with writing blogs about the business story, personalized narrations, or about your personal experience in the industry, with a particular customer, etc. This humanizes the company and builds trust among the consumers, and potential customers. People respond the most to emotions and personal accounts, and usually they respond emotionally. Adding a little humor and making the story interesting will increase the viewers, followers, sharing, hence links and rank.

While, videos and photographs are efficient ways to narrate a story, creating them can be a lot of work.
In addition, you can create a video only for a few times, while a blog post will give you much information to tweet, Facebook, and share on other websites.

Some of the blogging ideas are mentioned below,

  • Story of your business
  • The vision of your business
  • Significant history and purpose of foundation
  • Announcements for sales and discounts
  • Product information
  • Industry development
  • A fun story/experience

There are no limitations on what you can share to keep the audience engaged; however, there should be a relation between the shared content and your business.

Elements that make blogs functional are,

  • Write for your audience
  • Define your audience you want to reach
  • Keep in mind the search engines as well
  • Share link-bait blogs occasionally
  • Use keywords, but avoid overusing them


If you have an e-commerce website, or you are a SEO provider company, do not undervalue the effectiveness and benefits of E-commerce blogging. Blog because it will help you attract more customers, and sell more and more of your products.


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