The Complete Guide to Build Your Personal Brand (2)

How to build your brand through outreach?

When you newly launch your brand, you need to get exposure as much as you can. In the beginning, it is difficult to get exposure but it is not impossible. It is possible to get exposure through earned media, advertising, and few other things like personal relations. In order to get exposure, it is also important to develop relationships with different people.

First, find people willing to connect at local event and parties. Look for local events in your city and community. These are the best places to meet people and relationships and look for better opportunities. Face to face interaction proves to be one of the best ways to express your ideas and get instant feedback. Studies show that there is a trick to find out local events near your area. Go to Google and search [your city] business. It will list down the places, where you can have face to face interactions with important people.

The next step is to discover people willing to engage on social media. In order to grab professional opportunities, it is essential to make connections through social media. You can connect with your clients, bosses, and other employees through social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter.

Also, it is crucial to connect with people in groups and on forums. Sometimes people prefer a chatting room with others to share ideas to develop marketing strategies. You can also search for ‘online accounting discussion forum’ and you will find a platform to have discussions among your clients. You can also use a website called AccountantForums to get an online discussion.

Lastly, you can also get exposure through blogging, article contributions, interviews, emails, and partnerships.

How to get free press coverage?

get free press coverage

Getting free press coverage is a best way to receive exposure. Press coverage can establish your position among other brands. You can also get access to your target audience in a larger amount. Getting free press coverage is challenging, but it is not impossible. Look for something that media is interested in. You can also contact local TV stations and express your opinions about your brands. Your opinions should be attractive to the viewers. Let us have a look over how to get free press coverage in a formal way now.

First, sign up for official industry organizations to establish your brand. Mainly, industry organizations represent whatever happens in the company. You can gain social proof if you also connect yourself with official industry organizations.

Next, you can also opt to read three best-selling industry books. Reading books will help you when you give interviews. Find the most popular book and read it like a rote learner. You should always give references when you speak in front of the media.  

You can also offer to give a one-hour seminar at your college or university. You can use the seminar time to introduce your brand to the media. You can also offer some jobs to students to work in your company. In this way, you can put up your brand profile and gain access to larger media.

Lastly, you can also write articles for business magazines. Look for a popular topics for your industry and write down your opinion over it.  When your article gets published, it builds up your brand reputation.

How to connect with Mentors?

Learning is an ultimate way of achieving success and it is never ending. Sometimes companies do regular training of their employees to keep up the pace with updated technology. Every company has its own mentors and mentors help in giving advises to their juniors. Hence, mentors are important assets of any company as they are needed for professional success. Listed down are the reasons why you need a mentor.

Mentors will listen to your problems and help you throughout it. They will understand the issue and let you come up with solutions. Mentors will also share their own experiences to motivate you. Mentors will also help you stay focused on your work. Mentors will push you to do the best out of everything you do. All in all, they will support you and help achieve your success.

If you want to approach a good mentor, you should always do some research. You have to know details about the person you are going to approach.

Next, you need to explain why you need a mentor. It will help the mentor to understand you and your problems. Never hesitate to share your problems. If you do not open up, your mentor would not be able to help and guide you.

Lastly, discuss your goals and setup a weekly mentorship schedule. Keep a check on your work and ask for feedbacks from your mentor

If you follow these steps, no one can ever stop you from achieving your goals.                                                                  [ To be Continue…. ]





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