Tag: duplicate content

  • What is URL Canonicalization and How To Use It?

    What is URL Canonicalization and How To Use It?

    Google has provided the things in a better way and provided the accurate results thus fulfilling the requirements of the users. Google has expanded its name to all the organizations whether it is of profitable or non-profitable. SEO is applied on all the search engines that are in existence today. Google holds the more traffic…

  • Duplicate content:- problem and solutions

    We generally face one problem and that every website has duplicate content. The big websites with lots of pages are especially having these duplicate content problems. But what exactly a duplicate content is? Why these create so many problems and how can we get rid of it? We will come to know how we can…

  • How to check duplicate content?

    Need of checking Duplicate Content Duplicate content creates a lot of chaos if found copied in terms of giving ranking by the Google. In order to avoid the content being copied one should opt for suitable options to assure that the content is highly unique and free of duplicity. There are numerous methods introduced to…

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