How to check duplicate content?

Need of checking Duplicate Content

Duplicate content creates a lot of chaos if found copied in terms of giving ranking by the Google. In order to avoid the content being copied one should opt for suitable options to assure that the content is highly unique and free of duplicity. There are numerous methods introduced to the mass that has the efficiency of not only indicating copied content but highlighting the percentage of content. These methods are highly useful for both such as writer will pre- handily make sure the content is unique and on the other hand the famous search engine Google can also keep a simultaneous check on the uniqueness of the content. Preventing the data to be duplicated will enhance its quality and ranking on the search engine.

Advanced methods to find duplicate content

In order to maintain the uniqueness and avoid the data being duplicated, there are various methods in support introduced by the developers. They are the quick and simple to use ways that highlights the entire copied data.   Some of the successful and highly used methods for duplicate content checker are as follows:

  • Manual form of duplicate content checking:

Under this the famous Google search engine is used to check the duplicity in the content. It is done simply by copying the text from your content and just placing in the search bar in between the double quotes,  Example-(“your content”). If the content is copied than on clicking search button it will result to multiple searches associated with it.

Manual duplicate content checking

  • CopyScape:

It is one the best known tool that helps in identifying the copied content. The tool is very easy and simple to use. It is the tool that is developed with the objective of finding out the area that is being copied. It also refers and redirected to the link from where the content is being copied. It will present the number of links from where the content is found being copied.


Once the person click the link the detailed information is presented.  Severity of copied content is presented in the form of percentage where low percentage is quite okay with Google search engine but high percentages is of great concern. Such high percentage of content needed to be changed on an urgent basis. The tool is available to mass free of cost and everyone is liable to take the advantage of such a useful tool.  CopyScape also offers its premium versions so that insights of features could be utilized.


  • Site liner:

 It is another famous tool that is responsible for finding duplicate data in internal of the content. As the name suggests the famous software keep an eye over the data that is being copied within the same website. The duplicity on the website occurs when it is absent of excerpts. This absence of excerpts makes post available entirely on two main pages. Use of excerpts in website leads to many benefits such as excerpt is responsible for giving proper link to your post and this will further redirect the Google to genuine post link.

As a result duplicate data on the website is eliminated. Site liner has many advantages associated with it but at the same time the development program is only limited to 250 pages and trail version work proficiently only for 30 consecutively days. It also provides you with the links that is being copied and on clicking detailed information could be reached. In order to avail the continuous service of the Site Liner one need to download and install the premium version of the program.


Above are the major software tools that are developed by the developers to find out the duplicate data so that chaos on publishing of the article is avoided. The major attraction of the above mentioned tool is that along with the percentage of duplicate data it also tells the user the main source from where the content is actually being copied. This had proved to be great development at the developers end to locate the affected content. They further promote the value of unique and genuine data being produced. There are multiple issues and factors that give rise to duplicity of content that needed to be avoided. This assures the host the uniqueness of the data being liberated by the author.

Limitation of Using Tools

Prior to major benefits there are certain limitations to the use of tools. Some of them are listed below:

  • On successfully running the tool from the content that is of end users interest, sometimes the tools is unable to detect all the duplicates that can lead to great loss in a long run.
  • Proper indexing of the new content is to be performed on regular basis. If the content is way older that the chance of finding duplicity and its source reduces. This is one of the major drawbacks of the advanced tools.
  • The tools works successfully by extracting some keywords or text from the web page. These extracted texts would further be used against finding out the duplicate data. This method sometimes tries to point out on the wrong block and result in a wrong decision.   In order to avoid further issues use of input text field is highly recommended.

On contrary, all the tools introduced are of great use and act as an aid to detect the affected area but there are certain issues or limitations that are associated with the usage of the tools.

In order to gain the best of results the user must know all the terms and condition of the software program.  This will result in preventing the duplicate data a big success and chances of producing a unique and genuine work would increase. This software often work by the URL of the content and is categorised broadly under two main categories such as: Internal Duplicate Content and External Duplicate Content.

I hope this information was useful for you. Let me know if you have any questions on this topic. I will be happy to try and help. Thank you


One response to “How to check duplicate content?”

  1. arrrun86

    Nice post ,thanks for sharing

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